
What is Best-of-Breed for Employee Experience?

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Alice Florence Orr
December 7, 2023
3 min read

A company is faced with countless choices on its journey to success. One of the biggest is finding the right technology and software providers to support its changing needs. Businesses are increasingly turning to Best-of-Breed providers to ensure they are getting tailored services.

As Okta reports, “Businesses across industries [are seeking] to develop customised technology stacks that meet the needs of their workforce and customers, this best-of-breed approach is gaining traction. In the marketing space alone, for instance, 34% of companies said they rely on a best-of-breed stack, while 27% rely on single vendors.”

But is Best-of-Breed technology right for you? We have broken down the short-term and long-term considerations when choosing All-in-One vs Best-of-Breed for your specific business needs. Pros and cons exist for both, so we want you to choose a software solution that suits your management system and goals.

What is Best-of-Breed in Employee Experience?

Put simply, Best-of-Breed providers are specialists in their area. If a business chooses Best-of-Breed software, they will select bespoke packages from various providers. This allows them to have the best options for different tasks. For instance, a company might get a human resources package from one provider and an accounting package from another.

What is the Difference Between All-In-One and Best-of-Breed?

Best-of-breed providers allow your company to mix and match the best software for your specific needs. Single vendors generalise by providing everything under one roof.

Mo is a Best-of-Breed software in the rewards and recognition space. We improve how your employees feel by valuing the important moments in their lives using our advanced platform. Mo is specialised. We are not just a “bolt-on” service provided as an afterthought by a single vendor.

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Rewards & Recognition: How to Make Your Program Successful

Struggling with your reward and recognition program? Find out how to make your program successful in our FREE guide!

Benefits of Going Best-of-Breed for Employee Recognition

1. Launch and communications support

Single vendors may be easier to onboard across departments, but they offer tailored usability. Mo provides features that best fit your company’s needs.

2. Available via web and mobile apps

All-in-one providers rarely come with mobile apps — accessibility isn’t their focus. The Mo app allows employees to stay connected on the go.

3. Social celebrations, likes and comments

Social recognition features can be similar across platforms. We enhance ours with a rich user experience to improve adoption, such as templates, GIFs and interactive features.

4. Reward spending controls, approvals and reporting

Single vendors rarely offer budgeting capabilities because they don’t prioritise specific functionality. Mo empowers admins and managers with control over their budgets with detailed budget reporting to keep a close eye on your spending.


👉 Single vendors generalise by providing everything under one roof. Best-of-breed providers allow your company to mix and match the best software for your specific needs.

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5. Usage reporting and insight into values

Single vendors rarely provide detailed usage reports. We provide detailed reporting by team and location to empower managers with the data they need. Having a fast feedback loop is essential for a dynamic business strategy.

6. Seamlessly integrate Mo across your tech stack

Mo integrates with Intranet, Slack, and Microsoft Teams. We innovate faster than single vendors, partnering with cutting-edge companies to keep pace with the future of work. We can introduce new languages into Mo with a two-week turnaround.

7. Intelligent, personalised prompts that exist within the team’s day-to-day rhythms

Anyone can introduce a system. You have to change the culture around employee recognition to see a real shift in engagement. We add our solution to your employees’ work, keeping them informed and encouraging them to value appreciation. 

8. Best-of-Breed can automate engagement

Single vendors rarely utilise automated prompts, making admins reliant on top-down, time-intensive campaigns. When usage requires high energy input, tools lack adoption. Mo automates engagement prompts for things like birthdays, new starters and service anniversaries, as well as habit-forming prompts such as ‘weekly wins’, driving adoption organically.

9. Dedicated tools for busy leaders to sustainably engage their people

Most managers lack the capacity and capability to drive engagement. Our tools allow you to sustainably engage your team by codifying your way of working and enabling you to role model behaviour through recognition and rewards. Our platform drives cultural change at a team level, where single vendors lack direction.

10. Targeted support and insights from our customer success team

Mo’s Customer Success team will use behavioural data to help you unlock targeted interventions to improve usage. Beyond this, the team will actively support you through one-to-one assistance, user training, educational webinars, and more. An all-in-one provider is unlikely to provide these additional services.

Don’t want to generalise? Find out more about why Mo is Best-of-Breed 👉 Book a demo

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